Kids Ministry


Sunday Life Groups occur in the same area as the children's church at 9:00 AM.  

Once signed in, they will stay in the Kids Zone area until you pick them up after the Worship Service. 

Sunday Worship Service Starts at 10:00 AM, and the kids stay together for the entire service. 

The first Sunday of every month is Family Sunday. All of our kids stay in the service with us and take up the noisy offering to help sponsor kids worldwide (nursery is available).


Join us on Wed. nights at 6:30 pm in the Kids Area in the main building. 

They eat a meal together before they begin their separate classes. 

Children's Church is the perfect place for kids ranging from Nursery to 5th grade to learn and grow in their faith.

In Matthew 4:20, Jesus says "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

In Kid's Church that is what we are learning, to follow Jesus and be a Christian example to our friends and family who may not know Him. Our kids study God's Word so they can live out God's Word at home, church, school, and even in the sports they play. They love Jesus and they show it through their discipleship of The Word and being "fishers of kids.""


If you would like to volunteer in Kid's Ministry, please see Amanda Long. She will let you know when the next NazSafe training is and work with you to find out the best position for you to serve in!